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X 3​​

An innovative combination of 3D Doppler tracking and image processing called FUSION. FlightScope’s patented tracking technology is a world first, providing a realistic and accurate method for combining radar and camera data.

Environmental optimiser and several new apps to choose from makes the X3 the perfect choice for instructors and avid golfers everywhere.



Who says launch monitors are just for professionals? Add the FlightScope Mevo+ to your golf bag and experience the same detailed ball flight analysis on the range that you get at your lesson. 15 parameters give you all the ball flight data you need to imporve your practice sessions and your game. With each unit you also get 5 simulated courses from Trugolf E6 connects for use on an IPAD.  with the MEVO+ you get game improvement, skills challenges and golf simualation for a remarkably affordable price. 


One of  the smallest and most powerful tracking radar in existence, so small it can fit in your golf bag! Don’t be fooled by the small package, it is packed with many of the same features as our X3 and can be used both outdoors and indoors.


The latest APP is FS golf- powerful, easy to use and even integrates with the iphone/ ipad camera for wuick videos of your swingprovides you with the ability to build customized challenges. You design the size of the target, the distance you want to hit and how many points each target is worth. Finally when you have completed your challenge, you can compare your results with other players and PGA Tour Players.


The VX2 app view your club impact parameters side by side with a video clip of your swing complete with drawing tools, notes and tempo calculator.

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Simulation options:

Multiple options for simulation play.. Creative Golf 3D, TruGolf E6 connects TGC2019 and our latest option Awesome Golf. several of these work with IPAD and PC. lifetime licenses and some yearly subscriptions are availble from the above.

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